Organization structure

Executive Committee:

Executive committee of the trust will be the vital entity of the trust. This committee is empowered to take all the major decisions regarding the legal, financial and functional aspects of the trust. This committee will be the decision making authority for awarding the scholarships also. This committee will seek the guidance of the chief mentor for taking any decision. This entity will consist of the following people:

  • President
  • Chief Secretary
  • Treasurer

Trust is formed and intended to run purely on the donations from philanthropic people from the C.S. Sridhar’s student community and the society at large. In order to pursue the mission of the trust, financial wellbeing of the trust is vital. Hence, the executive committee will bear the highest responsibility to maintain the financial health of the trust. The committee will come up with various initiatives to make the fund raising. The executive committee members are elected once in 5 years by the trust members. Prior to election the Chief mentor would review and approve the nominations.

The committee reserves the right to allot or revoke any membership. Committee reserves the right to refuse any new membership based on their discretion. The Chief Mentor / President has the power to remove any executive committee member in case of any undesired activities of the member. However, selection of the new member will be based on the election. This committee would pass the resolutions to take any decision related to financial, legal or functional aspects of the trust. Any resolution will be deemed valid (legally) once it is signed by the registered trustees.

Trust Membership

Trust membership is purely taken voluntarily and awarded to the one who would like to support the noble cause of the trust. Trust members will become the integral part of the trust and form the very foundation. All the members are under the obligation that they will support the trust financially and they shall always adhere to the values of the trust as far as the trust activities are concerned.

Person willing to take the membership will fill up the membership form along with the prescribed donation and submit it to the trust secretary. Executive committee would review the application and award / refuse the membership. Awarding of the membership will be based on their intent to support the society, their past track record and approval of the Chief Mentor. Once the membership is granted, the secretary will communicate the same to the applicant via email.

Trust membership is divided mainly into two categories. They are:

Executive Members

Any student of Sri C S Sridhar can become an executive member of the trust. All the members under this category shall –

Actively participate in the trust activities like trust meetings and support in organizing trust events.

Execute the activities which may be assigned by any executive committee members.

Contribute minimum of Rs.2,000 per calendar year towards the trust.

Actively show willingness to perform the trust activities.

Spread the news about the trust and its aims and encourage the society to extend their help to support the trust

Privileges of the membership:

Member will have the selective access to the legal, financial and functional information of the trust.

Members will be involved in taking any major decisions of the trust activities discussed in the executive committee meetings.

Member can recommend new ways or changes in the functioning of the trust.

Member can participate in the trust events calendar preparation.

Member can independently identify a needy student and propose to undergo the selection process.

Core Members

Any Indian national can become a core member of the trust. All the members under this category shall –

Actively participate in the trust activities like trust meetings and support in organizing such events.

Contribute minimum of Rs.15,000 per financial year towards the trust. Here trust can take some exception depending on the member.

Actively show willingness to perform the trust activities.

Spread the news about the trust and its aims and encourage the society to take membership and support the noble cause.

Support the executive committee in generating funds for the trust.

Privileges of the membership:

Member will receive Trust newsletters regularly.

Member can recommend new ways or changes in the functioning of the trust to the executive committee.

Member can independently identify a needy student and propose to undergo the selection process.

Members can choose to be part of executive committee.